Kelly Clarkson 공연 다녀왔습니다

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제가 다니는 ASU의 제일 큰 공연홀인 Gammage Auditorium 에서 Ameriacan Idol 출신의 유명한 Kelly Clarkson의 콘서트가 있어서 다녀왔습니다. 원래 팝(실은 켈리 클락슨의 음악들은 한국서는 Rock이지요) 쪽은 돈 내고 콘서트를 가진 않지만 싼 값에, 그리고 바로 옆 학교서 한다고 하니 갔습니다.

정치개론 수업서 스터디 그룹을 같이 하고 있는 음악 좋아하는 친구한테 물어보니 자기는 티켓이 매진이라고 가고 싶었는데 못 갔다고 하더라구요. 매진 된 만큼 홀에 사람이 많이 찼었습니다.

오프닝 팀이 Jon Mclaughlin이라는 싱어송라이터의 밴드였는데, 솔직히 본 공연보다 더 좋았습니다 ^^;; 어떻게 저렇게 노래를 하면서 건반을 저렇게 칠 수 있는지.. 이런 뮤지션은 제가 처음 봤습니다. 상당히 음악적인 컬러와 스타일이 새로왔구요. 미국서 첫 음반이 나왔다던데 하나 주문 해 볼 생각입니다. 곧 리뷰를 올리도록 하지요 :)

사용자 삽입 이미지
공연의 시작은 이번에 새로나온 그녀의 엘범 'My December' 의 표지와 같이 계단에 빨간 드레스를 입고 앉아 등장했습니다. 그때 당시에는 뭔가 했는데 찾아보니 이번 엘범 표지더라구요.

아메리칸 아이돌에서 봤을 때 정말 백인이지만 성량이 참 좋다는 생각을 했는데 이번 공연에서도 다시 한번 느낄 수가 있었습니다. 소리의 밀어주는 힘이 장난 아니더라구요. 다른 악기들의 조화나 세팅도 참 괜찮았었습니다.

Set List도 잘 짜여져 있었습니다. 특히 피아노 반주로만 연주한 Because of You나
Patti Griffin(Maine 출신의 송라이터로, Maine에 살 때 알게된 뮤지션)의 가스펠 곡 Up to the Mountain이 가장 켈리 클락슨의 보이스 성향과 실력을 잘 보여주는 곡이었습니다. Up to the Mountain을 부를 때는 작년 생각이 살짝 나더군요 ^^;;

이번 공연의 가장 큰 수확은 아이러니 하게도 Kelly Clarkson을 보게 된 것이 아니라 오프닝이었던
Jon Mclaughlin의 발견이었습니다. CCM 차트에도 올라 가 있더군요.

제가 사는 곳 주변에 내년 2-3월 부터 유명한 뮤지션들이 많이 오는데 저는 군대를 가게 되서 많이 아쉽습니다 ㅜㅜ

아래 원문 기사는 여기 애리조나 로컬 신문의 공연 리뷰기사입니다(사진도 거기서 퍼 왔습니다 ^^)

Kelly Clarkson brings unpretentious talent to Gammage Auditorium
Nicki Escudero
Nov. 21, 2007 11:07 AM

Kelly Clarkson just may be the most accessible pop star performing today.

Kell-ster slapped tons of people's hands in the crowd at her concert Nov. 20 at Tempe's Gammage Auditorium, and she had great rapport with the audience throughout the night, not acting pretentious in the least.

She opted for a stripped-down stage set-up, which really worked in the venue. Gammage seemed to be appropriate because the place was packed and there wasn't much fanfare on-stage.

The night started off with Clarkson seated on-stage in a red dress just like the one on the cover of her current album, My December, and she and her band froze while a remix of Irvine played.

Then she and the band got up and launched into One Minute.

The crowd sang along from the beginning, standing up on their feet for the fast songs and even most of the slow songs, too. Clarkson walked up and down the front row, giving people high-fives, and it was evident she strove to maintain eye contact with her fans throughout the night.

In the background of the stage, several white sheets hung down that displayed video images, but that was about all the fancy technical stuff on display. The rest of the focus was on the music and Clarkson's huge voice, and she didn't skimp on hitting those high notes on songs like Behind These Hazel Eyes and Don't Waste Your Time.

"This next song is the probably the most bitter I've ever written," Clarkson said before playing her hit Never Again. "Girls getting screwed over makes for great poetry."

She didn't just focus on her popular singles throughout the night. During the 17-song set, which lasted only about an hour and 15 minutes, she played a variety of album tracks, including from her other CDs Thankful and Breakaway. Songs like Addicted, Gone and How I Feel made the crowd jump up and dance just as much as more mainstream songs, and it was easy to tell the fans in the audience were hardcore Clarkson admirers.

It was refreshing to see such a diverse audience, too. While most of the audience was made up of young women, there were also several families and many males in the audience singing along, too.

Besides her own tunes, Clarkson paid respect to one of her favorite artists and sang Patti Griffin's Up to the Mountain, a beautiful gospel track. She played that song during a slower, more raw segment of the concert, where she also played softer songs like Because of You and Be Still.

After playing popular track Walk Away, the band ran off before coming back for an encore.

She played Sober, which was one of the more intense moments of the night because of its earnest lyrics, and then transitioned into the more tongue-in-cheek Chivas, which she told the crowd whe wrote on a bar napkin after knocking back a few drinks.

It wasn't surprising she ended the show with one of her biggest hits, Since U Been Gone. By the end of the night, the entire crowd was jumping up and down along with Clarkson, who proved you can be humble even with the title of American Idol.
Posted by Hunhee